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    4 years ago · · 0 comments


    As a mental health care professional, I receive lots of questions about lots of issue, but Depression is very common. Depression is affecting lot of lives. But there are lot of unknown facts that you might be unaware about the depression, also there are lot of myths associated with this. I have tried to uncover those facts and burst myths about depression.

    Most of the peoples ask me that Is getting stressed or being Depressed?

    First, you need to understand that there are 6 primary basic emotions i.e., Happiness, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Sadness and Disgust. Which means sadness if normal human emotion, we get sad on many issues e.g., loss of job, failing in exam, break ups, death of loved ones but it will subside with times whereas, Depression is disease Mental illness, Abnormal Emotional State it is the category of Mood Disorder.

    How do we recognize Depression?

    Though diagnosing depression is the role of mental health expert but you can contact them if you see the following symptoms –

    Clinical Manifestations

    • A depressed or irritable mood most of the time.
    • A loss or decrease of pleasure or interest in most activities, including ones that had been interesting or pleasurable previously.
    • Significant changes in weight or appetite.
    • Disturbances in falling asleep or sleeping too much.
    • Feeling slowed down in your movements or restless most days.
    • Feeling tired, sluggish, and having low energy most days.
    • Having feelings of worthless or excessive guilt most days.
    • Experiencing problems with thinking, focus, concentration, creativity and the ability to make decisions most days.
    • Having thoughts of dying or suicide.

    Another frequent question asked by peoples that is it possible to have to depression if they have everything they need?

    Yes, it having resources doesn’t change anything it depends upon person to person. Sometimes you don’t have everything in life you are not happy from inside on the other hand peoples struggling for basic necessities even, but they are very happy with their life.

    Do children get depression?

    I would say yes, children are also human, and they also have emotions, so they are also likely to develop depression just like an adult.

    Can lack of sleep cause depression?

    It is recommended that 7 – 9 hours if not taken properly then it might trigger depression and also it might be the sign of depression.

    Will taking medications alone solve the problem?

    No, you need to work on holistic rather one approach i.e., medication, psychotherapy and healthy lifestyle.

    How long does depression last?

    It has not fixed answer, individual differences are there. Everyone has different coping strategy, caliber and resources which affects the variation in duration of depression.

    Is there a complete cure for mood disorders?

    It can be treated but can’t be cured completely just like any other medical disorder e.g., diabetes, hypertension (High Blood Pressure) can be treated with medication but can’t be cured completely.

    Is it alright to take alcohol with medications for depression?

    Usually, it is not recommended but alcohol might produce some side effects if combined with alcohol e.g., drowsiness, dizziness and coordination problems.

    What is the role of psychologist in treating Depression?

    Psychologists play very important role in treating depression. They provide therapies, counseling and adequate reflection of the scenario through which client gets insight that there could be other ways of dealing with the problems.

    Can depression be prevented?

    Not sure, it difficult to answer this question but better ways can be opted –

    • Understand your symptoms and take help whenever required.
    • Healthy lifestyle.
    • Learn better strategies to manage stress e.g., meditation and relaxation.

    What are the best strategies to manage depression?

    Since we can’t cure depression completely but we can manage depression by using following strategies –

    • Know your symptoms.
    • Consult your psychologist.
    • Healthy lifestyle
    • Meditation and relaxation


    4 years ago · · 0 comments


    Emotions play wide role in our day-to-day life. It not only affects how we react in a certain situation, but it also affects our all aspects of relationships as well. Have you ever experienced that when you feel happy than your productivity at workplace increases but when you upset you don’t want to work? You might have seen some cries when boss shout over them and some take it as a joke whereas some might not cry even at the worst situation of their life instead, they try to find solutions how they can manage it well. Here term arises Emotional Intelligence, lets understand it better.


    Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) are the terms often use interchangeably. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you.

    People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people.


    You might have observed the smartest people who are the most successful or academically brilliant and yet are satisfied in their personal relationships. Intellectual ability or your intelligence quotient (IQ) isn’t enough on its own to achieve success in life. IQ can help you get into college or university, but it’s your EQ that will help you manage the stress and emotions when facing your final exams. IQ and EQ exist in tandem and are most effective when they build off one another.


    But how you would understand that you are emotionally intelligent or not? There is the certain characteristic of highly emotionally intelligent peoples, lets find it out how many you have.

    1. Do you often think before speaking?

    Since emotionally intelligent peoples take a moment and think before responding. They understand clearly that emotions could be due to the particular situation and it is temporary, so they avoid taking any decisions at the heat of the moment.

          2. Do you often rely on negative thoughts?

    Emotionally intelligent peoples always keep focusing on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones because they very well understand if they stick to negative emotions that will affect their life.

          3. Do you always learn from criticism?

    It is hard to accept criticism for anyone, but emotionally intelligent peoples take criticism positively and think how they can learn from the critics.

           4. Are you aware of your strengths and weakness?

    Emotionally intelligent peoples are aware of their strengths and weakness that’s why they accept their criticism without taking it personally and try hard where their strengths are.

          5.Are you able to show empathy?

    Instead judging others emotionally intelligent people try to understand the situation and related emotions of others.

          6.Do you practice self-care?

    Emotionally intelligent peoples understand that they will perform better if they will relax and recharge. So, they always take time for themselves out of their busy schedule and do something that they enjoy.

          7. Do you focus on what you can control?

    We often face the situation which is often out of control but peoples with high emotional intelligence focus on how they can influence their reaction, habits or priorities in relation to the situation.


    Personal Skills/ Competencies (How we manage ourselves)
    Social Skills/ Competencies (How we manage relationship with others)
    1.      Self-Awareness
    2.      Self-Regulation
    3.      Motivation
    1.      Empathy
    2.      Social Skills


    Here are the certain strategies through which you can work on each element of emotional intelligence to improve your own emotional intelligence level.



    Self-awareness –

    Being self-aware means ability to focus on yourself, your actions, thoughts, or emotions. If you’re highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you. You can achieve self-awareness by –

      1. Keeping Journal – You can keep journal with you where you can right your thoughts which will make your more aware.
      2. Examine the situation – You need to carefully evaluate the situation e.g., any situation which you felt angry or sad, explore the reason, how you have reacted and how could you have reacted in that particular situation to manage it well.
    1. Self-regulation/ Self-management –

      •   Self-regulation is the ability to manage self your thoughts, emotions and behavior for long term gain. Self-regulation is all about staying in control. You can achieve self-regulation by using following strategies –
      • Take responsibility of your own action – In order to achieve self-regulation, you need to stop blaming others instead take responsibility to make the things as per your preferences.
      • Mindfulness – It is another very important tool for self-regulation. Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying non-judgement attention, on purpose, in the present moment”. You can do so by engaging in skills such as focused breathing and gratitude, mindfulness enables us to put some space between ourselves and our reactions, leading to better focus and feelings of calmness and relaxation.
      • Cognitive Reappraisal – Cognitive reappraisal involves changing thought patterns. Is the technique through which involves reinterpreting a situation in order to change the existing emotional pattern.


    1. Motivation –

      • Motivation is essential component behind everything, in order to manage your emotions well you need to be highly motivated for doing so. You need to replace negative thoughts with positive one in order to keep yourself motivated. You can keep yourself motivated by asking following to yourself –
      • Why you want to achieve that goal?
      • How motivated to you are to achieve your goal?
      • What would be the scenario if you will achieve your goal?
      • What would be the worst-case scenario if you would not achieve your goal?


    1. Empathy –

      • Means putting yourself in someone else’s position, it is very important to understand another person’s situation and their perspective which is also a very important element of being emotionally intelligent. You can be empathetic by –
      • Try to understand emotional signals by not only listening pay attention to the non-verbal cues as well.
      • Show emotional sensitivity.
      • Respond to feelings, understand and appreciate that as well e.g., your colleague has joined office after the death of loved one in his family and he behaved rude to you then you can respond by saying “I understand you might be upset because of your loss; we will talk once you would like to talk and also, I am always available if you need anything”.


    1. Social skills –

      • Social skills are the skills that are necessary to interact and behave well in group. Everyone loved to communicate with the persons having good social skills, for effective skills you need to learn the following –
      • Conflict resolution – A person with high EQ knows how to manage the conflictual situation well, it is very important to understand what is important and what is to be chosen out of the available options.
      • Communication skills – Effective communication skills are essential tool of social skill, it involves careful listening, responding and taking feedback that another person has understood. A person with high EQ will never speak anything he/she will always think before responding to anyone.
      • Praise others – We all know how much we feel happy when someone praised us, it is very important to praise others for effective social skills because it is tendency of every human being they love to connect to those who talk sweet to them irrespective of who keeps on pointing fingers on them.


    4 years ago · · 0 comments


    Suicide is the very big and serious problem now a days, which is increasing every year in it’s number of attempted rates by the peoples or number of committed suicide by the peoples. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 1 million people die each year from suicide. What drives so many individuals to take their own lives. A suicidal person is in so much pain that he or she can see no other option, despite their desire for the pain to stop, most suicidal people are deeply conflicted about ending their own lives. They wish there was an alternative to suicide, but they just can’t see one.

    Suicidal ideas or suicidal thoughts are taking lives of many people, it includes anyone either any student, any unsatisfied work employee, any broken marriage personnel, or any relationship failure person

    Hence strong strategies for the prevention of suicide must be formulated but it is very important for us to identify the WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE then only we can prevent this evil. Warning Signs of Suicide could be: –

    • Talking about death or suicide, if anyone in the family frequently talks about suicide or has expressed the intentions of taking own life or self – harm.
    • Hopelessness, feeling of hopelessness, helplessness could be the very strong predictor of suicide, usually peoples with hopelessness makes negative and very pessimistic prediction of future, for them they have nothing can bring positive outcomes in their life.


    • Saying that they are a burden, peoples those who consider themselves as burden on others and consider themselves as useless entity form their loved ones mostly ended up in taking their lives.
    • Withdrawing from friends and family, increased isolation from family, friends or society, desire to be left alone could be the alarming signal.
    • Losing interest in activities, if any person is losing interest in the activities that he or she used to enjoy could be taken as matter of concern.
    • Extreme mood swings, sudden sense of being calm and happiness of an individual after a prolong period of depression could indicate that person has decide to commit suicide.
    • Giving away possessions, making will, giving out possession and making arrangements for families.
    • Saying goodbye to family and friends, unexpected visits or phone calls, saying “Good Bye” as if he or she won’t meet again.

    Mere recognizing or identifying the warning signs of suicide won’t prevent the incidence of suicide, unless we respond in an appropriate manner. Following strategies could be used to prevent suicide: –

    • Take all suicidal threats seriously – Usually peoples believe that if any body is talking about suicide that means he or she has no intention of dying but it’s not correct, if anyone is talking about suicide might be serious about taking own life so all suicidal threats must be taken seriously.
    • Suicidal attempts could be a CRY FOR HELP – Consider all suicidal attempts could be a cry for help, its not necessary that anyone who is attempting suicide want to kill himself either it could be the indication that the person is in emotional pain and don’t know how to deal with it.
    • Be a good listener – Listening is very important aspect this might show concern and availability to the person who is in emotional pain and this doesn’t require any expertise simply non – judgemental and no arguments are required, also you have no need to attempt to fix anything, just listen and be there that show your care, concern and availability.
    • Ask about Suicidal Feelings – There is a myth that talking about suicide will pop up the ideas of suicide in to the people’s mind the fact is that those thoughts and feelings are there regardless of what you might say. It is very important to ask about suicidal plans, and means to carry the plans, this might suggest the seriousness and intensity of the suicidal thought.
    • Don’t leave them alone – If anyone seem to be in danger of hurting themselves, do not leave them alone. Keep strict observation and take all steps to keep them away from any means that they could use to hurt themselves, such as weapons or pills.
    • Keeping SECRETS can KILL – Be aware that you may have to break your promise in order to help him, if anybody has told you about their intentions of dying and told you not to disclose it with anyone but in that moment, you should not keep it secret and inform it to their family members. Having him alive but angry with you is preferable to keeping a promise that leads to him taking his life.
    • Talk to Professionals – If you found anyone in the risk of suicide encourage them to talk to mental health care professionals.

    Having equipped with all the knowledge of prevention of suicide won’t make any change unless you spread the awareness. Just spread the awareness to the as many peoples you can which might be very helpful in saving life of others.


    9 years ago · · 3 comments

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    Donec varius hendrerit mi non tempor. Sed id lacus at dui accumsan porttitor. Aliquam convallis egestas euismod. Fusce semper aliquet tincidunt. Mauris vel libero a magna maximus gravida id nec lectus. Donec ultricies, tellus non sodales ornare, felis ex volutpat lacus, a congue dolor lectus id leo. Quisque consectetur porttitor efficitur. Morbi est ipsum, efficitur nec sapien vel, vehicula dignissim neque.

    Nulla sapien massa, tempus in eros vel, viverra lacinia diam. Nam quis felis ac nunc iaculis suscipit. Nunc varius mi purus, volutpat sagittis lorem viverra vel. Curabitur blandit orci sit amet turpis tempor, ut consectetur dui porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent lorem justo, tincidunt a velit eu, dictum interdum arcu.

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    Nulla sapien massa, tempus in eros vel, viverra lacinia diam. Nam quis felis ac nunc iaculis suscipit. Nunc varius mi purus, volutpat sagittis lorem viverra vel. Curabitur blandit orci sit amet turpis tempor, ut consectetur dui porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent lorem justo, tincidunt a velit eu, dictum interdum arcu.

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    Donec varius hendrerit mi non tempor. Sed id lacus at dui accumsan porttitor. Aliquam convallis egestas euismod. Fusce semper aliquet tincidunt. Mauris vel libero a magna maximus gravida id nec lectus. Donec ultricies, tellus non sodales ornare, felis ex volutpat lacus, a congue dolor lectus id leo. Quisque consectetur porttitor efficitur. Morbi est ipsum, efficitur nec sapien vel, vehicula dignissim neque.

    Nulla sapien massa, tempus in eros vel, viverra lacinia diam. Nam quis felis ac nunc iaculis suscipit. Nunc varius mi purus, volutpat sagittis lorem viverra vel. Curabitur blandit orci sit amet turpis tempor, ut consectetur dui porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent lorem justo, tincidunt a velit eu, dictum interdum arcu.
